Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Instagram Tuesday

I bought this sign at a garage sale two summers ago and my grandma was finally able to fix the electrical in it!

I paid .75 for this haul :D

This past weekend I ended up with another Raskog cart :D I plan on putting Project life supplies in it and maybe later on when I finally learn to sew all my sewing stuff in it instead. They are just too handy and convenient!

Crazy cloud!

The third day we were in Oklahoma it snowed quite a bit. What does one do when there is snow and hills but go sledding?

I am sorry for neglecting my blog for awhile =/ Life the past six weeks or so has been crazy and stressful. My mom in November and December was VERY sick and it was hard to want to get anything done while stressing out over her. She started getting better around the Christmas holidays. Then came a week long trip to go see my mom and a couple of days after we got back I got sick and that is where I still am. I haven't gotten anything done around the house except for some much needed reading.


  1. Hope you feel better! Hope your mom is doing ok, too. [=

    It snowed when I was in Oklahoma last week, but luckily it wasn't very much and didn't postpone my cross-country drive. (I will write about that later).

  2. Oh that starbucks sign! Amazing!

  3. Nice haul and yay for the sign working now! :D

    Of course yay for reading, but I hope that you feel better soon!

  4. hope your mom and you are both feeling better. and that starbucks sign is so cool!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak

  5. that starbucks sign is awesome! and so sorry to hear that your mom was sick. hope she gets completely well soon!
