Thursday, June 18, 2015

So far this summer..

Not gone to the beach but this is as close as it's going to get for me

+Watched a lot of great movies- American Sniper, The boy next door, Pitch Perfect II and Jurassic World.

+Found mold in our basement (this project is nearly done, thanks to the husband)

+Celebrated my birthday as well as my husbands.

+Earned a lot of giftcards on Swagbucks

+Read a lot of books (none worth mentioning)

+After 1.5 years I'm almost caught up on my scrapbook pages! My husband has been sleeping upstairs during the day because of the basement which has forced me into spending hours upon hours in my craft room as to not disturb him. Some good has come of the mold! lol

+Sold a lot on Ebay

+Despite having intentions of giving up caffeine I've fallen in love with the S'mores frap and the Cinnamon roll frap is good too.

+Gotten into juicing again

1 comment:

  1. i need to catch up on my movie watching - i'm so behind! and also behind on crafting too - there aren't enough hours in the day!
