Thursday, July 12, 2012

I didn't take too many photos when we went to the zoo this past weekend because we went in the middle of the day and a lot of the animals were hiding from the heat. I don't blame them one bit! :)

What are your favorite animals at the zoo? Mine are the apes and gorillas. It amazes me how similar they are to humans.


  1. You blog is so beautiful ! : )
    The close-up picture of the giraffe is awesome & hilarious lol!
    I have been only once at the zoo so I don't remember the animals there that well. However I would like to see a real panda someday!!They are too cute *u* (I don't know if there are pandas in Western zoos though)

    Please also check out my snail mail-related blog ;D

    From. Jungpo
    Your Follow me #3-swap on Swap-pot

    1. They have three zoos here in the US that have pandas so not too many! I'll check out your blog now.

  2. That giraffe is freaking awesome! FM#3
