Thursday, June 27, 2013

Couponing 101

I thought I'd post some more couponing tips, because who doesn't love saving money?

If you're really wanting to get into couponing & creating a stock pile you have to know that it will take you awhile to get it to the size you want. And how much should you have for X amount of time? Well, sit down & see how much you use of one item for your family & for how long. If you want to stock pile an item for 6 months and it's just you and a spouse then you won't need as much as a person who has 6 kids & wants to stock pile for a year. For me personally I try to stock pile dog food & toiletries, basically non perishables for a year. As for canned food I stock pile for about a six months.

Food that you can freeze for awhile like meat I will try to stock pile for six months. You can freeze a lot of stuff, stuff you wouldn't imagine. A couple of months ago I got some good deals on coffee creamer so I stocked up for a few months' worth & froze what I wouldn't use. It tastes fine! I know that freezing the not so normal stuff is a personal preference. I freeze bagels because by the time they are toasted they taste fine to me. I buy fresh fruit & freeze it. You can freeze milk (you might want to look it up to see how to prevent the milk container from expanding) and even eggs!

I know when it comes to couponing that it's a lot to take in so I'll leave you with those bit of tips. Ask away if you have questions though!


  1. I think it's great to stockpile. I do it too (on a regular basis, but not using coupons!) But, did you know that dry dog (or cat) food goes rancid after a fairly short while?

    1. I plan on donating to the pug rescue of Colorado so it's not all for my pugs :) and I've shared with my aunt for her dogs as well.

  2. We too are trying to get our food storage back up. I have not had good luck with coupons, but I freeze quite a bit and have canned some. I hope to learn more canning this summer.
    Freeze eggs? I did not know that. We do freeze milk, I'm not fond of it afterwards but for cooking or with something it works!

    Keep the tips coming!
    I'll take all the advice on couponing I can get!

    1. Why haven't you had good luck with coupons? Maybe I can help with whatever it is? I have heard that about milk before..I don't find it cheap enough to buy more than a gallon yet.

  3. Sounds like fun to do all these couponing!! But too bad here in Singapore, we don't have such things :(
    (dlhwz, Follow me #13)
