Friday, January 23, 2015

The lost husband Katherine Center
I just knew by the second chapter that I would be inexplicably sad that this book would have to end. This is a story about a widowed wife who can no longer live with her verbally abusive mother So she takes her eccentric aunt's offer to move her & her kids to her farm. This book will have you happy, nearly in tears & having you wish you could ditch the city behind you for a simple life on the farm.

Broken Laura Hillenbrand

Wow, what a book, what a story. I read the book that was adapted for young adults..not sure how it's different from the other, maybe less violence? This is the true story about a boy who finds that he has a love for running & it seems to tame his wild ways. But his running doesn't get to run the fullest distance (see what I did there?) because World War II breaks out. He, along with the rest of hi crew are shot out of their plane and that's where his survival begins. I know this is a review but I don't want to give anything away but will end with saying that this book will leave you with a feeling of awe over the human spirit.

1 comment:

  1. You got me hooked to read "The Lost Husband". Now I gotta find me a copy. (swapbot ~ purple24)
